Since September 2019, Age of The Republic has driven forward delivering frequent and increasingly ambitious updates to give fans of the Clone Wars era a semi-serious, fun, and laidback experience to enjoy anytime.
Our Features
All of your favorite regiments from the shows & movies, some of which featuring characters from the expanded universe.
Self-progression in the form of skills; Challenge yourself to evolve your crafting knowledge, damage output, sprint time, etc.
Collectibles in the form of unique weapons and cosmetics to commemorate special events or your time played.
Ever-expanding in-game staff team, with development, support, and event teams growing alongside it.
Direct community responsiveness; what is wanted is what is implemented. (within reasonable standards of course)
Prominently featuring handmade models, systems, and assets from in-house creators or in coordination with high quality creators across the garry's mod community.
No pay-to-win opportunities.
Character system; each character has it's own story, inventory, skills, and occupation.
Customization; unbox, craft, loot, and collect to customize your character and out of character profile; as any class.