FAQ · SWRP Developers
A list of frequently asked questions and their answers.

To get started adding your community for free, first sign in with Steam, then proceed to Start a new Draft.

Our site handles authentication using Steam's OpenID service. The only data we store retrived from Steam is that is necessary for service operation, this includes and is limited to:

  • SteamID64
  • Profile Avatar (link to avatar through Steam's CDN)
  • Steam Name (nickname)

SWRP Developers operates a backend service which monitors all communities for information that includes but is not limited to:

  1. IPv4
  2. Online Status
  3. Player Count
  4. Maximum Player Count
  5. Map
  6. Game Version
  7. Name

As of the 14th August 2024, all servers are monitored 6 times every hour, and all player activity graphs are aggregated to per hour, and show a maximum of 12 months of data. Players for each hour are an average of the observed player count over the course of that hour.

SWRP Developers does not guarantee the availability of server monitoring, nor any analytics.

Communities shown on the Communities page on our website must be communities which have been manually approved by our staff after verification has been requested by the community owner.

Additionally, the gameserver representing the community must be online, and a valid Garry's Mod server. As of the 14th August 2024, servers are monitored every 10 minutes on average. After a community is approved, you can expect to see your community appear publicly within this period of time.

To appeal a blacklist or Discord ban, please use this form.

To contact the SWRP Developers team, please join our Discord, and DM our TK-422 discord bot (Discord ID: 722598860991758396). It is available at the top of the role list on the desktop version of Discord.

Showing 6 FAQs...